Blog: the place where dialogue, news, interviews, infographichs and updates find home.

Blog is where Edoardo Facchini and the other people from BandWin collects articles, news and Edoardo’s articles and interviews about startup, presales, postsales and training.

Furthermore is the place where we want to create a dialogue with you (customer, reader or friend).

Sections are designed to help you immediately what you are looking for:


Innovits Academy part 1, capire il business per aiutare le startup

Innovits si prepara a supportare le startup affrontando aspetti di business e soft skills relativi alla nascita e allo sviluppo di nuove imprese. Cristina Vaudagna, una delle organizzatrici del percorso spiega cos’è l’Academy e cosa prevede (parte 1) Aspetti di business (Business Model Canvas e come valutare un’idea) e di finanza per startup ma anche…